School Celebrations and Masses
Carol Service December 2023
On December 21st 2023, we gathered together for our Christmas Carol Service. Our young voices filled the air with love and excitement. As we sang together, we were not just celebrating the season, but also getting ready for the special moment when we welcome baby Jesus into our hearts and homes.
Advent Service November 2023
On 19th November we had our school Advent Service. We remembered that Advent is a time of preparation, when we think of Jesus coming into the world. Each class placed their Advent Wreath before the altar and we lit the first purple candle.
Remembrance Service November 2023
On 9th November, we gathered together in the church for our Remembrance Service. We held a minute’s silence to remember all those who have died for our country in wars in the cause of peace. We also remembered family members and friends who have died. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord.
All Saints Mass November 2023
On Tuesday 1st November, we honoured all the Saints in heaven. May they inspire and teach us how to live our lives.
Harvest Festival October 2023
On Thursday 19th October, we celebrated our Harvest Festival in Church. Thank you to all the family members who joined us and well done to our Faith Friends and readers for leading us in our worship. Harvest time gives us an opportunity to remember those in need. The donations were given to Providence Row and Poplar Food Bank.
Talent Show September 2023
We had a dazzling display of talent at this year’s Primary School Talent Show! Our young stars are set to shine bright as they take centre stage to showcase their extraordinary skills and creativity. From toe-tapping dance routines to magical musical performances and side-splitting comedy acts, our students have been hard at work honing their talents for an unforgettable show.
St Mary and St Michael Primary School Feast Day September 2023
On Thursday 29th September 2023, we all gathered together in church to celebrate the Feast Day of our school patron saints – St Mary and St Michael.
During our Feast Day Mass, our Faith Friends: Amber, Sophia, Kayden, Israel, Albert, Esther, Skye, Pedro, Cristiano, Florence, Elona and Rose.
Year 6 Leavers’ Mass July 2023
On Monday 17th July, we gathered to celebrate and give thanks for the many blessings we have received during the school year. We thanked God for all the new knowledge we have gained; all the new skills we have learned and developed; all the friendships we have enjoyed; all our successful moments and all the difficulties that we thought were huge but which we got over in time and with God’s patience.
We gathered also to ask God’s blessing on all our pupils and staff leaving our school. Our Mass marked the end of Year 6’s journey at St. Mary and St. Michael School, but the beginning of a new chapter as they move on to secondary school. We remember that, even through times of change, God’s love remains constant.
Mrs Mahon’s Retirement Mass July 2023
On Monday 10th July, we gathered together in church for our Headteacher Mrs Mahon’s Retirement Mass. We thanked Mrs Mahon for her 9 years of dedicated service at St Mary and St Michael Primary School and lauded her 36 years of teaching in Catholic schools.
The Feast of St Peter and St Paul June 2023
On Thursday 29th June, we celebrated the feast of St Peter and St Paul.
The foundations of the Church of Rome were the apostles Peter and Paul. Peter was called the foundation, the Rock by Jesus. Paul was a great Christian missionary and theologian who wrote the major letters of the New Testament. Both were martyred, Peter it is said by crucifixion, Paul by being beheaded.
Pentecost May 2023
On Sunday 28th May, we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Sprit on the Apostles in Jerusalem and takes place 50 days after Easter Sunday.
Marian Procession May 2023
On Monday 22nd May, we held our annual Marian Procession and Service to celebrate May being the month of Mary. The children sang beautifully and the flowers they made look stunning on our May altar in the front entrance.
The Feast of the Ascension May 2023
On Thursday 18th May, we celebrated The Feast of the Ascension which commemorates Jesus’ ascension into heaven 40 days after his Resurrection. Ascension Day falls 40 days after Easter on the 6th Thursday of Easter.
King Charles’ Coronation Celebration May 2023
St Mary and St Michael pupils and staff celebrated the coronation of King Charles III by having a street party in the school hall. The school staff and pupils were encouraged to dress in red, white or blue for this historic occasion.
Easter Bonnet Parade April 2023
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2023 Easter Bonnet Parade.
The Passion Play March 2023
On Friday 31st March, we retold the events of Holy Week, through drama, scripture and song.
Ash Wednesday February 2023
On Ash Wednesday, we marked the beginning of Lent by attending a Mass in church, where we received ashes on our foreheads as a reminder of things we have done wrong and how during Lent we make a positive effort to do something good.
The Feast of the Epiphany January 2023
On Friday 6th January, we celebrated the feast of the Epiphany with a service in church. We remembered the three wise men, traditionally called Melchior, Balthasar
and Casper and the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh which they presented to the baby Jesus.