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Our Governors

Name of Governor

Category of Governor

Membership of Committees

Appointment date / End of office

Ms Sue-Helen Steyn

Headteacher Governor

Ex officio

Standards Committee
Finance & Resources Committee
Mr Mike Killington (Chair) Foundation Governor

Chair of Standards Committee
Finance & Resources Committee

Safeguarding Link Governor

Fr Keith Stoakes Foundation Governor Standards Committee
RE Link Governor
Mr Patrick Donovan
(Vice Chair)
Foundation Governor Chair of Finance &  Resources Committee
SEND Link Governor
Mrs Caroline Callender Foundation Governor Standards Committee
English Link Governor
Mr Chris Gresch Foundation Governor Finance & Resources Committee 31/08/28
Mr Ian Jones LA Governor Standards Committee 29/11/26
Ms Abena Adjei Co-opted Governor

Standards Committee
Maths Link Governor

Ms Loretta Nguette Parent Governor Finance & Resources Committee
Health and Safety Link Governor
Mrs Maria Regan Parent Governor TBC 31/08/28
Ms Caroline Kerrigan Staff Governor Standards Committee 06/10/24

Please click on the links below to view additional information about governor Attendance, Register of interest or Terms of Reference.

Governors’ details Attendance and the Register of Interests

Resources Committee Terms of Reference

Standards and Personnel Committee Terms of Reference

Instrument of Government